Bohemian Tango 2019

on February 25, 2019

After years of transformation with Alchemie & a few years break, we are ready for Prague summer solstice tango in a whole new way!

Truth * Beauty * Freedom * Love

Bohemian Tango is born – and we can’t wait.

A marathon with benefits 😉
A festival with a marathon inside. 3 days and 4 nights.
Alchemithon with Bohemian gala nights.

13:00 – 15:00 Breakfast – big fat beautiful breakfast buffet*
14:00 – 19:00 DAYS (marathon/ full pass)
21:00 – 3:00 GALAS (marathon/full pass & festival pass)
3:00 – 7:00 LATES (marathon/full pass)

You – and your dance, who light up the salon with your energy & embraces.
Music – simply brilliant music for damn good dance.


Analía La Rubia
Theo Sevdas
Osky Casas
Yana Nikolayuk
Özgür Arin

LIVE orchestra Tango en Vivo [RU]

Inspiration – classes and thematic performances Diana Cruz & Nick Jones, Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou with collaborative performances featuring Özgür Arin, Guggi Zuzakova, Tania Heer, René-Marie Meignan and more.

All events will take place in the Hotel Belvedere.
* Recommended accommodation for marathon/full pass dancers.
Eat, sleep and dance all day and night right there on site!

Room are limited, so to make sure you get your booking, send an email to
Subject: Hotel Belvedere – Tango 2019.

Classes topics & venue to be announced.

Official site and registration coming soon, stay tuned!
To get official updates, register your interest here.

Prague summer solstice embraces are back!

We can’t wait to see you!

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Alchemie_Super_AdminBohemian Tango 2019

Orquesta típica Ciudad Baigón live in Prague! – Oct 9, 2017

on September 16, 2017

Slyšet Ciudad Baigón hrát naživo je jako být součástí laviny emocí, při níž intenzivně vnímáme, že jsme nic podobného nikdy neslyšeli – je to natolik intenzivní a specifický prožitek, se kterým se v naší době, v žádném jiném hudebním žánru nelze setkat. Prostřednictvím  hudebního mostu jsme znenadání uneseni  do nového světa. Toto je Tango na plno, autentické a skutečné – Tango, které žije, dýchá a vyvíjí se v osobně prožitém okamžiku.

Program: 09.10. Monday
20:00 – 21:00 Koncert / Concert
21:00 – 00:00 Tango Tančírna – Milonga / Tango Dance Event – Milonga
22:30 Druhý blok živé hudby k tanci
 / Second live set for dancers

To hear Ciudad Baigon live is to experience an avalanche of emotion with a never-heard-before intensity, which may be impossible to access in our time in any other musical form. The orchestra will be premiering its new repertoire that includes tangos, milongas and zambas as an exploration within Argentine folklore.

This is Tango at its fullest, its most authentic and real– Tango as it lives, breathes and evolves on the spot. You will find yourself immersed in a new world that once heard is impossible to forget.

Orquestra típica Ciudad Baigón

Argentinský fenomén, mladí virtuózové z Buenos Aires uvedou emocionální tektonickou hudbu
současného argentinského tanga v Novoměstské radnici 9.10.2017

Johanna Strausse s vídeňským  valčíkem, kterým si podmanil Evropu, již v Praze nepotkáme.

S radostí Vám však přivádíme znamenitého Hernana Cabreru, současného skladatele argentinského tanga, které si podmanil Jižní Ameriku a postupně celý svět.

V roce 2016 byl orchestr  Ciudad Baigón, který založil,  prohlášen za kulturní fenomén města Buenos Aires.

Orchestr sdružuje mladé hudební mistry z Buenos Aires, kteří otevírají netušené emotivní kompozice tanga. S lehkostí, která vás naprosto pohltí, oživují celý hudební žánr, který byl v roce 2009 zapsán na reprezentativní seznam nehmotného světového kulturního dědictví lidstva UNESCO.  

Orchestr uvede emocionální tektonikou argentinského tanga  posluchače k extázi v prestižních koncertních sálech i v otevřených ulicích měst…tomu se neubráníte ! Tango je i v nové době prostředkem rozmanitosti a kulturního dialogu.

Díky interpretaci Hernana Cabrery se zrodilo nové Tango Přítomnosti, hudba, která do nás vlévá nový život.

Interpreti Ciudad Baigón posunují hranice zažitých forem, hudebních stylů a přinášejí tango živoucí historie, která nikdy nespí, a respektuje reálný čas.  Nové současné skladby tohoto 12ti členného orchestru si při poslechu podmaní vaši duši neuchopitelnou lehkostí. 

V roce 2015 OT Ciudad Baigón nahrál nové album ve slavných studiích ION s písněmi napsanými ve spolupráci s nejvýznamnějším textařem a skladatelem v historii argentinského rocku, Indio Solarim.

Jako první spojuje ve svých skladbách hluboce působivou politickou a undergroundovou kulturu moderní poetiky se sílou rokové hudby a klasického tanga.

Tento unikátní orchestr, který následuje v tradiční podobě formu  „orquesta típica“ z 21. století, na svém evropském turné v 2017, přináší svůj nový repertoár, který zahrnuje tanga, milongy a zambas,  čerpající inspiraci  z původní tradiční formy argentinské hudby. Jejich mocný styl je ovlivněn klasickým tangem, rockem a ruskou klasickou hudbou, a jejich texty reflektují jak témata místa svého původu (Buenos Aires), tak aktuální globální náměty.

Jak říká Hernan Cabrera, dirigent a skladatel OT Ciudad Baigón:

“Tango je populární hudba a jako taková musí odrážet to, co bezprostředně ve svém životě cítíme, a právě takové vnímání života v naší soudobé éře chceme převést do naší hudby.”   

V rámci turné po Evropě, bude skupina natáčet v legendárních Abbey Road Studios v Londýně (Beatles, Pink Floyd, atd.) jejich 4, album “Praise of the Light” / “Chvála světla” 

A právě zastavení v srdci Evropy, v naší Praze, považují za svoji povinnost.

Slyšet Ciudad Baigón hrát naživo je jako být součástí laviny emocí, při níž intenzivně vnímáme, že jsme nic podobného nikdy neslyšeli – je to natolik intenzivní a specifický prožitek, se kterým se v naší době, v žádném jiném hudebním žánru nelze setkat. 

Prostřednictvím  hudebního mostu jsme znenadání uneseni  do nového světa. Toto je Tango na plno, autentické a skutečné – Tango, které žije, dýchá a vyvíjí se v osobně prožitém okamžiku.

Zažít Orquesta típica Ciudad Baigón znamená dospět k proměně, probudit se, žít a víc si uvědomit sílu, kterou nazýváme život, a vše, co v sobě zahrnuje. Kdo jednou přijde na jejich koncert, nikdy nezapomene…

20:00 – 21:00 Koncert
21:00 – 0:00 Tango Tančírna – Milonga
22:30 Druhý  blok  živé hudby k tanci

Večerní program bude zahájen klasickým koncertem. 
V rámci pokročilého večera  se překlene do argentiské tangotančírny “milonga”. 
Můžete si tedy vychutnat  nejen koncert, ale i atmosféru klasické argentinské tančírny s živou hudbou v druhé části programu. 
Bude k disposici bar. Můžete s námi slavit celý večerní program.

Koncert připravuje Tango Alchemie s podporou Velvyslanectví Argentinské republiky ve spolupráci s Novoměstkou radnicí.

Orquesta típica Ciudad Baigón

Argentine musical phenomenon, young revolutionary virtuosos of contemporary tango-
Live at the Novomestka radnice in Prague, October 9, 2017

Meet the young, rogue, master musicians from the streets, conservatories and concert halls of Buenos Aires who have blown open the backdoor of the bandoneon- driven ecstasies of Argentine tango to create a new Tango of Now.

Pushing the boundaries of the form, they are adding real-time to the living history of a tango that never sleeps. With soul-grabbing new compositions, this revolutionary young 12 member orchestra is infusing new life and near single-handedly renewing the genre. Their powerful style is influenced by tango, rock and classical Russian music, and their texts reflect current local (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and global issues.

OT Ciudad Baigon have composed tangos in collaboration with the most important lyricist and composer in the history of Argentine rock, Indio Solari. They are the first to merge this deeply moving political and underground culture of modern poetics with the force of rock and classical tango. OT Ciudad Baigon will be on tour in Europe in October 2017, and will cut their 4th album at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London (studio of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc.)

In 2016 the orchestra was declared of Cultural Interest by the City of Buenos Aires. In 2015 they recorded an album in the famed ION studios, featuring songs with texts by the most important lyricist and composer in the history of Argentine rock, Indio Solari. They are the first to merge this deeply moving political and underground culture of modern poetics with the force of rock and classical tango. During their 2017 European tour OT Ciudad Baigon will record their 4th album at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.

To hear Ciudad Baigon live is to experience an avalanche of emotion with a never-heard-before intensity, which may be impossible to access in our time in any other musical form. The orchestra will be premiering its new repertoire that includes tangos, milongas and zambas as an exploration within Argentine folklore.

This is Tango at its fullest, its most authentic and real– Tango as it lives, breathes and evolves on the spot. You will find yourself immersed in a new world that once heard is impossible to forget.

20:00 – 21:00 Concert
21:00 – 0:00 Tango Dance Event– Milonga
22:30 Second live set for dancers

You are invited to not only enjoy the concert, but to experience the atmosphere of a social dance event for tango, as well as a second live set for dancers.

This event is organized by Tango Alchemie with the support of the Embassy of the Repubic of Argentina in cooperation with the Novomestka radnice.

Koncert připravuje Tango Alchemie s podporou Velvyslanectví Argentinské republiky ve spolupráci s Novoměstkou radnicí.

This event is organized by TangoAlchemie with the support of the Embassy of the Repubic of Argentina in cooperation with the Novomestka radnice.

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Alchemie_Super_AdminOrquesta típica Ciudad Baigón live in Prague! – Oct 9, 2017

Latitudes of Embrace Exhibition

on June 28, 2016

Welcome to Prague!

Exhibition: June 18 – July 9, 2016
Venue: Clam – Gallas Palace, Husova 20, Prague 1

Event on Facebook

čeština dole

Vanessa Enríquez (1973) / MEX / DE, Installation
Petr Lysáček (1961) / CZ, Photography, Installation

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Alchemie_Super_AdminLatitudes of Embrace Exhibition

Latitudes of Embrace, June 17th

on June 11, 2016

Welcome to Prague!

Opening and performance: June 17, 2016 / 19:30h
Exhibition: June 18 – July 9, 2016
Venue: Clam – Gallas Palace, Husova 20, Prague 1

Event on Facebook

čeština dole

Vanessa Enríquez (1973) / MEX / DE, Installation
Petr Lysáček (1961) / CZ, Photography, Installation

June 17, 19:30h: The Space of the Embrace
performative happening at the opening

17.6. FRIDAY – Clam Gallas Palace – exhibition halls, first floor 1
19:30 Vernissage of the exhibition “Lattitudes of embrace”
Site-specific instalations from mexican artist Vanessa Enríquez photography exhibiton Sven Elze & Guggi Zuzakova at Tango Alchemie by czech photographer Petr Lysáček.
Interactive dance performance
Event on Facebook
21:00 – 02:00 White Milonga
DJ Yana Nikolayuk [RU]
Opening performance by Tango Crew (Studio 12)
Special performance by Özgür Arin and Sonja Schüssler
Dress in white, its the tradition!
Entrance fee 200kc
Organized by Tango Alchemie
Event on Facebook
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Alchemie_Super_AdminLatitudes of Embrace, June 17th

White Milonga in Clam-Gallas, June 17th

on June 11, 2016

The Angels just didn’t want to miss the White Milonga! This year it will take place in the first floor of beautiful Clam-Gallas palace. It will be a long night full of dance and artistic pearls.

We invite you to dress up in white!

Event on Facebook

čeština dole

17.6. FRIDAY – Clam Gallas Palace – exhibition halls, first floor 1
19:30 Vernissage of the exhibition “Lattitudes of embrace”
Site-specific instalations from mexican artist Vanessa Enríquez photography exhibiton Sven Elze & Guggi Zuzakova at Tango Alchemie by czech photographer Petr Lysáček.
Interactive dance performance
Event on Facebook
21:00 – 02:00 White Milonga
DJ Yana Nikolayuk [RU]
Opening performance by Tango Crew (Studio 12)
Special performance by Özgür Arin and Sonja Schüssler
Dress in white, its the tradition!
Entrance fee 200kc
Organized by Tango Alchemie
Event on Facebook

The whole event entrance: 200 Kč
Presale in milonga MC1: 150 Kč

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Alchemie_Super_AdminWhite Milonga in Clam-Gallas, June 17th

Open Air Milongas in the Pavilions of Prague, June 16th, 18th & 19th

on June 11, 2016

Come at the door, volunteer donation

16.6. THURSDAY – Grëbovka pavilion
19:30 – 23:30 Milonga @ Viniční altán in Havlíčkovy sadech
Prague’s favorite outdoor milonga in the wonderful Havlíčkový gardens. The pavilion sits on a hill in the middle of vineyards, one of the most beautiful pavilions in the city-don’t miss this Prague favorite.
Entrance: by donation
Organized by Achim & Jana



18.6. SATURDAY – Žofín garden pavilion
16:00 – 21:00 Outdoor milonga @ Žofínský altán
Saturday sunset milonga will be in the beautiful pavilion in the center of Prague right on the river. Barbeque and special menu from the Zofin kitchen – come and dance through dinner! Then it is just a few steps down the river to the Saturday night milonga on Lod Tajemstvi, which is organized by Caminito
~~This is dance on the Vltava day!~~
brushed concrete floor
DJ Özgür Arin
Entrance by donation
Organized by Tango Alchemie with support from Studio 12



19.6. SUNDAY – Letenské zámeček pavilion
16:00 – 21:00 Outdoor milonga @ Letenský altán
On the hill overlooking Prague, the quintessential Prague beer garden in Letna park, where we held the first outdoor milongas in Prague back in the day 🙂 Come and buy food and drinks as you like from beer garden or from the outside restaurant. Then it is just a few blocks away from the Sunday night milonga which is organized by La Fabrika.
~~This is dance in Letna day!~~
brushed concrete floor
DJ Aljoscha Bukowski
Volunteer donation
Organized by Tango Alchemie with support from Studio 12
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Alchemie_Super_AdminOpen Air Milongas in the Pavilions of Prague, June 16th, 18th & 19th

Angels Weekend, June 16th – 19th

on June 11, 2016

Mid-summer Milonga Weekend

10 years ago the Tango Alchemie festival first took place in Prague. We have every reason to celebrate with something big, but before we do, we are taking a break 🙂 So we’re going to take a deep breath, relax and enjoy a beautiful weekend dancing outdoors in the pavilions of Prague, white milonga, and other great events together with other organizers.
Summer is here and we are thinking of you! If you are near, come dance with us!

*** Note: this is not a festival! Just a sweet milonga weekend ~ easy days in Prague with some dance to look forward to! 🙂

Event on Facebook

čeština dole

With love,
~ the Alchemie Angels

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Alchemie_Super_AdminAngels Weekend, June 16th – 19th

Tanghetto plays Prague! 10-10-2015

on October 1, 2015

“The most seductive electrotango outfit”

Los Angeles Times

“(…) distinguished by its singular combination of simplicity, sophistication, sensibility, energy and no prejudice”

La Nación (Buenos Aires)

The pioneers of electro tango, two-time Gardel Award winners, multi-platinum recording artists and progenitors of the genre neo tango will play for the first time in Prague on October 10.

Oct 10, 2015 at Jazz Time, Krakovská 19, Praha 1
20:00 Practica with Sven Elze
21:00 – 2:00 DJ Veronika
23:00 one long live set of the best electro tango there is!

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Alchemie_Super_AdminTanghetto plays Prague! 10-10-2015

Heartbeat Retreat 2014

on August 1, 2014

The Heartbeat Tango Retreat

A time to:

  • Meet as friends, as people, as dancers
  • Spend time in nature with movement, meditation and tango
  • Explore the dance, movement & connection in its many forms
  • Dive deeply into our tango art–  i.e. learn, be inspired, improve in the areas most important to each, come closer to mastery of and to radiating our own deeply personal dance.

Hearbeat will take place in a beautiful renovated farmhouse complex, run by friends and beautiful people who can’t wait to be surrounded by the connection energy of tango.

Will be our pleasure to spend this time with you!

(Original website)

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Alchemie_Super_AdminHeartbeat Retreat 2014

Tango Industrial 2014

on April 5, 2014

Visit the gallery for more photos

A gift from the lovely people of Chemnitz, Germany via the Saxon Mozart Festival to YOU, who keep the music and the Dance alive in Europe!

Solo Tango live  at the Tango Industrial gala night, great DJs, shows, milongas, dancing breakfasts, Hit & Run, and an excursion to the original factory where the AA bandoneon was made– to pay our respects at the grave of Alfred Arnold, the creator of the beloved AA, without whom tango would have never been the same!

Let’s take these people up on their beautiful offer and enjoy a great weekend of music and dance, in deep respect to the bandoneon and the music that has given us so much!

**Our thanks to Doni Mac of Baile Puro for the original Tango Industrial graphic design!

(Original website)

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Alchemie_Super_AdminTango Industrial 2014