About Tango Alchemie
I like to use the term alchemy, which is the soul of the world… You connect with a space where everything is.
We believe Argentine tango be a perfect human alchemy.
For the last 9 years the festival Tango Alchemie has brought over 600 social dancers from 35+ countries to Prague each summer solstice to celebrate the connection and transformation that is made through this dance.
Considered one of the most innovative the most beloved festivals in Europe, the Tango Alchemie festival and has been held under the auspices of the Councilor for Culture of the City of Prague and the Embassy of the Republic of Argentina for the past 7 years.

The 4- day festival is known for its grand color-themed galas which originally followed the 4 phases of Alchemie, as well superior live music, world-class DJs, top teachers and performers, intimate marathon salons, and epic after parties.
The festival and all Tango Alchemie’s unique productions are not-for-profit events which are powered by the creativity and beauty of local dancer-volunteers. The Alchemie Angels have co-created the festival and other Alchemie events with fellow tangueros around the world for nearly a decade.
Featured Venues include
Clam-Gallas Palace, Troja Chateau, Czech Museum of Music, the New Town Hall, the Marble Hall at Lucerna, the National House in Smíchov, Slovanský dům, Žofín Garden Restaurant and more.
Featured Orchestras:
Orquesta Color Tango de Roberto Alvarez [AR], Orquesta Tipica de Buenos Aires [AR], Orquesta Tipica Ciudad Biagon [AR], Sexteto Milonguero [AR], Cache Milonguero [AR], Orquesta Tipica Budapest [HU], Sin Rumbo [CR].

Featured Dancers:
Gaston Torelli [AR], Mariana Dragone [AR], Claudia Codega [AR], Esteban Moreno [AR], Martin Maldonado [AR], Mauricio Ghella [AR], Ismael Ludman [AR], Maria Mondino [AR], Bruno Tombari [AR], Mariangeles Camannao [AR], Matias Facio [AR], Cristian Duarte [AR], Lilach Mor [Israel], Homer & Cristina Ladas [US], Ozgur Arin [TR], Sonja Schussler [DE], Vasco Martins [PT], Rita Caldas [PT], Harris Mihail [GR], Malika Pitou Nicolier [FR], Sonja Bruyninckx [BE], Sven Breynaert [BE], Utku Küley [TR], Ece Somer [TR] Sven Elze [DE], Guggi Zuzakova [DE], Sharna Fabiano [US], Isaac Oboka [US], Luciano Brigante [AR].